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              Shanghai Feilong Instrument Electric Co., Ltd
              Xie Manager:13671774687 China EngLish
              Home About Product Honor Technology New Download Message Contact

              WZP-270 thermal resistance

              Product Name: WZP-270 Thermal Resistance

              Product Number: 14340-704
              Product Model: WZP-270
              Updated: 2009.07.01
              Production unit: Thermocoule Thermoresistor, bimetallic thermometer, polytetrafluoroethylene, tetrafluorinated gasket-Shanghai Feilong Instrument Device Co., Ltd..
              Custom: can be customized according to customer needs

              Thermal resistance(WZP-270)


              roduct Profile "
              Platinum thermal resistance temperature sensors measure the temperature of liquids, gas media, and solid surfaces within the range of -200 to 600 °C. They are widely used in industrial sectors such as petroleum, chemicals, machinery, metallurgy, electricity, national textiles, food, Atomic Energy, and aerospace. And technical fields. Platinum thermal resistors are usually composed of temperature-sensitive elements, fixed devices and main components of junction boxes.

              Commercial standard domestic
              Product Model WZP-270
              Product specifications according to customer needs
              Product output 100,000 / year
              Company Name Shanghai Feilong Instrument Electric Co. Ltd.. 

            1. Previous page:Wzp-269 thermal resistance
            2. Next page:WZP-430、431 Fixed flange therma...

            3. Relevant news
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              24-hour consultation hotline:
              HOME ABOUT Product Honor Technology New Download MESSAGE CONTACT
              General manager:Xie Manager   Mobile:13671774687  ADD:268 Qufu West Road, Shanghai    TEL:021-63811027      FAX:021-63801621      EMAIL:jimmy011@126.com
              ?2018 Shanghai Feilong Instrument Electric Co., Ltd Copyright  