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              Shanghai Feilong Instrument Electric Co., Ltd
              Xie Manager:13671774687 China EngLish
              Home About Product Honor Technology New Download Message Contact

              Undertake all kinds of automation control engineering, temperature control equipment, heat treatment engineering, engineering

              Product Name: undertake all kinds of automation control engineering, temperature control equipment, heat treatment engineering, engineering

              Product No.: 17191-559

              Product model: 0

              Updated on: August 19, 2010

              Production unit: [thermocouple] - Shanghai Feilong instrument and Electrical Co., Ltd. 021-63801621

              Product details

              Undertake all kinds of automation control engineering, temperature control equipment, heat treatment technology, boiler equipment; constant temperature and humidity engineering;

              Water treatment equipment, air conditioning equipment: tuyere accessories, temperature control: bracket, two-way valve, etc., depending on the needs of the project, etc

              1. Overall heat treatment of ammonia converter in fertilizer plant.

              2. Local heat treatment of tower girth weld in coking recovery and transformation project of iron and steel company.

              3. The post welding heat treatment of the tower in the coking plant adopts the method of setting up a simple heating furnace on the construction site to conduct the sectional overall heat treatment first, and then the local heat treatment of the ball joint after butt joint.

              4. Overall heat treatment of LPG company

              5. Constant temperature and humidity Engineering

              6. Boiler equipment engineering, temperature control equipment

              7. Automation control and other related projects

              Project cooperation in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other regions

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            3. Relevant news
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              24-hour consultation hotline:
              HOME ABOUT Product Honor Technology New Download MESSAGE CONTACT
              General manager:Xie Manager   Mobile:13671774687  ADD:268 Qufu West Road, Shanghai    TEL:021-63811027      FAX:021-63801621      EMAIL:jimmy011@126.com
              ?2018 Shanghai Feilong Instrument Electric Co., Ltd Copyright  