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              Shanghai Feilong Instrument Electric Co., Ltd
              Xie Manager:13671774687 China EngLish
              Home About Product Honor Technology New Download Message Contact

              Common faults of thermal resistance and treatment methods

              The common thermal resistance is the most commonly used temperature detector in the middle and low temperature area. It is not only widely used in industrial measurement, but also made into a standard reference thermometer. The following analysis of four common fault phenomena and handling methods:
              1. Fault phenomenon: the indicated value of thermal resistance is lower than the actual value or the indicated value is unstable;
              Possible causes: metal chips, dust, dirt between terminals and short circuit of thermal resistance in the protection pipe;
              Treatment: remove the metal chips, clean the dust, water drops, etc., and find the short circuit point to strengthen the insulation.
              2. Fault phenomenon: the indicator of thermal resistance is infinite;
              Possible causes: short circuit of thermal resistance or lead wire, loose terminal, etc;
              Treatment: replace the resistance body or weld and tighten the wiring screws.
              3. Fault phenomenon: display instrument indicates negative value;
              Possible causes: wrong wiring between display instrument and thermal resistance or short circuit of thermal resistance;
              Treatment: correct the wiring, or find out the short circuit, strengthen the insulation.
              4. Fault phenomenon: the relationship between thermal resistance and temperature changes;
              Possible causes: corrosion and deterioration of thermal resistance wire material;
              Treatment: replace the thermal resistance.

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              24-hour consultation hotline:
              HOME ABOUT Product Honor Technology New Download MESSAGE CONTACT
              General manager:Xie Manager   Mobile:13671774687  ADD:268 Qufu West Road, Shanghai    TEL:021-63811027      FAX:021-63801621      EMAIL:jimmy011@126.com
              ?2018 Shanghai Feilong Instrument Electric Co., Ltd Copyright  