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              Shanghai Feilong Instrument Electric Co., Ltd
              Xie Manager:13671774687 China EngLish
              Home About Product Honor Technology New Download Message Contact

              Bimetal thermometer with thermocouple (resistance)

              Product Name: bimetal thermometer with thermocouple (resistance)
              Product No.: 23590-625
              Product model: 0
              Updated on: June 14, 2009
              Manufacturer: thermo couple -- Shanghai Feilong instrument & Electrical Co., Ltd

              Product details
              Bimetal thermometer with thermocouple (resistance)
              WSS bimetallic thermometer with thermocouple (resistance) and temperature transmitter is a temperature sensor which can display and transmit electric signal on site. It can not only indicate temperature on site, but also transmit thermocouple (resistance) and two-wire temperature transmitter signal. As a new generation of thermometer, WSS can be widely used in metallurgy, petrochemical, electric power, light textile, food, national defense and other industrial parts.
              Main technical parameters:
              Measurement range: - 60 ℃ - 500 ℃ - 80 ~ 500 ℃
              Accuracy: 1.5%
              Remote electric signal deviation
              a. Index No.: e (nickel chromium copper nickel) allowable deviation t2.5 ℃ or 0.75% t
              b. Index No.: K (nickel chromium nickel silicon) allowable deviation i2.5 ℃ or 0.75% t
              c. Graduation No.: PTl00 (platinum resistance) allowable deviation:
              Class A:: (o.15 + 0.0021t,)
              Grade B: ± (o.30 + 0.0051t1)
              d. Basic error with temperature transmitter:
              A1 is the output basic error corresponding to thermocouple (resistance) tolerance
              FS is the measurement range
              Transmission mode of temperature transmitter: two wire system (4-20mA)
              Working power supply voltage of transmitter is 12V at least, 35V at most, and rated working voltage is 24V

            1. Previous page:WSS series bimetal thermometer
            2. Next page:Electric contact bimetal thermo...
              24-hour consultation hotline:
              HOME ABOUT Product Honor Technology New Download MESSAGE CONTACT
              General manager:Xie Manager   Mobile:13671774687  ADD:268 Qufu West Road, Shanghai    TEL:021-63811027      FAX:021-63801621      EMAIL:jimmy011@126.com
              ?2018 Shanghai Feilong Instrument Electric Co., Ltd Copyright  